$ whoami

  • Kumar Shivendu

  • Software Engineer @ Qdrant

  • I ❤️ information retrieval, performance, and building tools.

  • Topic: Improving vector search relevance with reranking and fusion

Topics to cover

  • Vectors, Vector Search, and Vector DBs
  • The HNSW Index
  • Why care about search relevance in the age of GenAI?
  • Are vector search results relevant enough?
  • Reranking
  • Fusion


  • Points in an N-dim space
  • Compressed meaning
  • Anything -> Vector
  • Popular ways to generate:
    • Language/vision models
    • Metric learning
      • CLIP
  • Challenges with keywords
    • Doc miss (low recall)
    • Can't do img, audio, etc
  • Similarity = Nearest points
  • Faster with indexing and approximation
  • Problem: Hard to scale and manage.

What is Qdrant

  • Vector Search Engine (aka Vector DB)

  • 18k+ stars on Github

  • Written in Rust 🦀

  • SDKs for Python, JS, Go, Java, etc

  • Twitter, Canva, Meesho, Flipkart

The HNSW Index

  • Skip Lists + Graphs
  • Approximate and Tunable
  • Filter during search
  • Quantization


PUT /collections/rentals/points
  "batch": {
    "ids": [1, 2],
    "vectors": [
      [0.9, -0.5, ..., 0.0], // generated from rental1.jpg using ML model
      [0.1, 0.4, ..., 0.3],
    "payload": [
      {"city": "Bangalore", "sqft": 990, "img_path": "img/rental1.jpg", "tags": ["..."]},
      {"city": "Hyderabad", "sqft": 1550, "img_path": "img/rental2.jpg", "description": "..."},
POST /collections/rentals/points/search
  "query": [0.2, 0.3, ..., 0.4], // generated from user query (text) using same model
  "filter": { "must": [{"key": "city", "match": {"value": "Bangalore"}}] },
  "limit": 10
  • [
      {"id": 4, "score": 0.56, "payload": {...}},
      {"id": 2, "score": 0.40, "payload": {...}},
      {"id": 5, "score": 0.23, "payload": {...}},

Why care about search (relevance)?

  • R.A.G.
  • Results are only as good as the data (context)
  • Context is limited and costly (latency + $ + quality)
  • Search can be your MOAT
    • Perplexity.ai
    • "Cheating is all you need" by Cody, Sourcegraph

Are vector search results relevant enough?

  • Depends
  • Vector search relevance is constrained by 2 factors:
    • Embedding model
      • Domain
      • Compression
    • Distance metric
  • Tradeoff: Compute
    • Finetune
    • Get 2nd opinion

Reranking for RAG:

  • Popular in Information Retrieval.
  • Two stages:
    • Reterival:
      • Fast but coarse
      • Search millions (or billions) of items
      • AKA Candidate generation
    • (Re)ranking:
      • Slow but precise
      • Rank hundreds of candidates. Pick top K (10)
Model Type Quality Cost Example
Multi-vector OSS Good Low ColBERT
Cross encoder OSS Great Medium BGE, sentence transformers
Rerank API Private Great Medium Cohere, Mixedbread, Jina
LLM API Private Best Very High GPT, Claude

ColBERT: Contextualized Late Interaction BERT

  • Embedding for each token
  • MaxSim
  • Surpasses single-vector representations
  • Scales efficiently to large documents

Cross encoder rerankers:

  • BGE flag embedding reranker
  • Can be finetuned
  • from FlagEmbedding import FlagReranker
    reranker = FlagReranker('BAAI/bge-reranker-v2-m3', use_fp16=True) # use fp16 for speed
    query_passage_1 = ["What is vector search?", "Vector search is cool"]
    query_passage_2 = [
      "What is vector search?",
      ("Vector search is an ML technique that uses vectors to represent data and find "
      "similar items based on their mathematical similarity in a high-dimensional space.")
    scores = reranker.compute_score([query_passage_1, query_passage_2], normalize=True)
    print(scores) # [0.22970796268567764, 0.9996698472749022]
  • Sort based on score

Cohere reranker:

import cohere
co = cohere.Client(API_KEY)

query = "Who is the father of Elon Musk?"
docs = [
  {"Title":"Father (Wikipedia)","Content":"A father is the male parent of a child"},
  {"Title":"Paypal founders","Content":"Elon Musk, Peter Thiel"},
  {"Title":"Musk family","Content":"Elon is son of Errol and Maye Musk"},  # answer
  {"Title":"Peter Thiel","Content":"Peter and Elon built Paypal"},
  {"Title":"Elon musk family","Content":"Elon has 11 children"},
results = co.rerank(
  model="rerank-english-v3.0", query=query, documents=docs,
  rank_fields=['Title','Content'],top_n=3, return_documents=True

Cohere response:

# question: Who's the father of Elon Musk?
  "id": "...",
  "results": [
    	"document": {"Title":"Musk family","Content":"Elon is son of Errol and Maye Musk"},
    	"index": 2,
    	"relevance_score": 0.9908034 # 99%
    	"document": {"Title":"Elon musk family","Content":"Elon has 11 children"},
    	"index": 4,
    	"relevance_score": 0.104294725 # 10%
    	"document": {"Title":"Paypal founders","Content":"Elon Musk, Peter Thiel"},
    	"index": 2,
    	"relevance_score": 0.02630528 # 2%
  "meta": { ... }

Reranker finetuning:

  • Similar to embedding finetuning
  • But should be sensitive.
  • So hard negatives are imp.
  • {
      "query": "How many people live in London?",
      "pos": "9M people live in London.",
      "neg": [
          "Around 1.5M people live in ",
          "Cambridge, which is close to London"

Fusion: 2nd way to get 2nd opinion

  • Combine with any other search results:
    • Vector search with different modalities (image, text, etc)
    • Sparse vector search or BM25
    • Results from any IR system
  • Popular algos:
    • Reciprocal Ranked Fusion (RRF)
    • Relative Score Fusion (RSF)
  • Python lib ranx

RRF: Reciprocal Ranked Fusion

  • Ignores relevance scores
  • Dampening based on rank

RSF: Relative score Fusion

  • Normalize and combine
  • Great when score distributions are similar


  • Relevance matters because context is important and costly.

    • Reranking (Serial)
    • Fusion (Parallel)
  • Slides: kshivendu.dev/talks

  • Find me at

    • kshivendu.dev/bio
    • kshivendu.dev/twitter

* RAG = Retreival Augment Generation

Image showing vector search

FIXME: Should ideally use/create image that exactly shows ColBERT or it can be confusing

* [Metrics](https://docs.cohere.com/docs/rerank-understanding-the-results): * nDCG@k * MRR * Accuracy

Further reading: - https://medium.com/llamaindex-blog/boosting-rag-picking-the-best-embedding-reranker-models-42d079022e83 - https://www.rungalileo.io/blog/mastering-rag-how-to-select-a-reranking-model